Indian Navy Sailor Recruitment 2021: Matric Recruit (MR) [300 Posts]
Table of Contents
Indian Navy Sailor Recruitment 2021: Indian Navy invites online applications from eligible unmarried male candidates for recruitment of 300 vacancies of Sailor for Matric Recruit (MR)– April 2022 batch. The last date for submission of the application is 2nd November 2021.
Post Name:- Sailor for Matric Recruit (MR)
- No of posts:- 300 (Approximately)
- Job Description:-
(a) Chef: They would be required to prepare food as per menu (both vegetarian and non-vegetarian including handling of meat products) and accounting of ration. In addition, they will also be allotted other duties as per Service requirements.
(b) Steward: They would be required to serve food in the officers’ messes, as waiters, housekeeping, accounting of funds, wine and stores, preparation of the menu, etc. In addition, they will also be allotted other duties as per Service requirements.
(c) Hygienist: They will be required to clean the washroom, shower spaces, and other areas. In addition, they will also be allotted other duties as per Service requirements. - Age limit:- Candidates should born between 01.04.2002 to 30.09.2005 (Both dates inclusive).
- Salary:- During the initial training period, a stipend of Rs. 14,600/- per month will be admissible. On successful completion of initial training, they will be placed in Level 3 of the Defence Pay Matrix (Rs. 21,700- 69,100). In addition, they will be paid MSP @ Rs. 5200/- per month plus DA (as applicable).
- Educational Qualification:- Candidates should have passed the Matriculation Examination from the Boards of School Education recognized by the Ministry of Education, Govt. of India.
How to apply for Indian Navy Sailor Recruitment 2021 @Matric Recruit (MR) Vacancy
Interested and eligible candidates can apply online through the Indian Navy Recruitment portal from 29th October 2021 to 2nd November 2021.
Similar Opportunity for 10th Pass
Selection Procedure
Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, an exception is being made in the public interest wherein approximately 1500 candidates will be called up for written examination and PFT. The shortlisting of the candidates for written examination and PFT will be undertaken on the basis of the percentage of qualifying examination (10th examination). The cut-off marks may vary from state to state as vacancies have been allocated in a state-wise manner.
Written Test
- The question paper will be bilingual (Hindi & English) and objective type.
- The question paper will comprise of two sections i.e. Science & Mathematics and General Knowledge.
- The standard of the question paper will be of 10th level and the syllabus for the examination is available on the website www,joinindiannavy.govin
- The duration of the examination will be 30 minutes.
- All candidates appearing (or written examination would be subjected to PFT on the same day.
Physical Fitness Test (PFT)
- Qualifying in Physical Fitness Test (PFT) is mandatory for selection.
- PFT will consist of a 1.6 Km run to be completed in 7 minutes, 20 squats (Uthak Baithak), and 10 Push-ups. Candidates undergoing PFT will do so at their own risk.
- Merit lists for MR will be prepared based on performance in the written examination subject to the qualifying Physical Fitness Test (PFT). Approximately 400 candidates will be issued call up letter for Enrolment Medical Examination at INS Chilka on the basis of state-wise merit
Useful Link |
Official notification |
Those who wish to apply are advised to go through the Indian Navy Sailor Recruitment 2021 @Matric Recruit (MR) official notification in detail before submitting applications.
Indian Navy Sports Quota Recruitment 2021: Sailor- 01/2021 Batch
Indian Navy Sports Quota Recruitment 2021: Indian Navy invites applications from Unmarried Male candidates for enrolment as Sailors- Sports Quota Entry- 01/2021 Batch. The last date for submission of the application is 07.03.2021.
Outstanding sportsmen who have participated at International/ Junior or Senior National Championship/ Senior State Championship/ All India Inter-University Championship in Athletics, Aquatics, Basketball, Boxing, Cricket, Football, Gymnastics, Handball, Kabaddi, Volleyball, Weightlifting, Wrestling, Squash, Fencing, Golf, Tennis, Kayaking & Canoeing, Rowing, Shooting, Sailing & Wind Surfing can apply.
1. Post Name:- Direct Entry Petty Officer
- Age limit:- 17 to 22 years as on date of commencement of course. Candidates should have been born between 01 Feb 1999 to 31 Jan 2004 (Both dates inclusive).
- Educational Qualification:- 10+2 qualified in any stream or equivalent examination.
- Sports Proficiency:-
(i) Team Games. Should have participated at International/ National/ State level at junior/ senior level or represented a University in the Inter-University tournament.
(ii) Individual Events. Should have attained a minimum of 6th position in Nationals (seniors) or 3rd position in National (juniors) or 3rd position in the Inter-University meets.
2. Post Name:- Senior Secondary Recruit (SSR)
- Age limit:- 17 to 21 years as on date of commencement of course. Candidates should have been born between 01 Feb 2000 to 31 Jan 2004 (Both dates inclusive).
- Educational Qualification:- 10+2 qualified in any stream or equivalent examination.
- Sports Proficiency:- Should have participated at the International/ National/ State level or represented a University in the Inter-University tournament.
3. Post Name:- Matric Recruits (MR)
- Age limit:- 17 to 21 years as on date of commencement of course. Candidates should have been born between 01 Apr 2000 to 31 Mar 2004 (Both dates inclusive).
- Educational Qualification:- 10th /equivalent qualified.
- Sports Proficiency:- Should have participated at International/ National/ State level tournament.
Pay & Allowances
During the initial training period, a stipend of Rs. 14,600/- per month will be admissible. On successful completion of initial training, they will be placed in Level 3 of the Defence Pay Matrix (Rs. 21,700- 43,100). In addition, they will be paid MSP @ ₹ 5200/- per month plus DA (as applicable).
How to apply for Indian Navy Sports Quota Recruitment 2021 @Sailor- 01/2021 Batch
The application is to be submitted on A4 size paper only as per the given format.
Applications are to be forwarded to:-
CONTROL BOARD, 7th Floor, Chankya Bhavan,
NEW DELHI 110 021
The Last date of receipt of the application is 7th March 2021. For candidates of North East, J&K, Andaman & Nicobar, Lakshadweep & Minicoy Islands, the last date is 14th March 2021.
The type of entry, sports discipline with achievements is to be clearly written on top of the envelope containing the application. Envelopes should be of brown color. Example: Ag. PO/SSR/MR/NMR 01/2021 KABBADI – NATIONAL LEVEL.
For more details, please check the below post
Indian Navy Sports Quota Recruitment 2021 @01/2021 Batch official notification
Indian Navy Sports Quota Recruitment 2021: Sailor- 01/2021 Batch