Organized by the Students for Free Tibet, the marathon took place in the North Campus of DU and kick-started three days of celebrations of the Tibetans in the city.
“The students took part in the marathon to express their support and solidarity for the Tibetan movement,” said Rinzin Choeden, coordinator for Students for Free Tibet (SFT)-Delhi.
Tibetans and supporters worldwide will commemorate the Centennial of Tibetan Independence Day on Feb 13, added Choeden.
There have been significant protests in Tibet against the illegitimate occupation of Tibet by the Chinese authorities, and since the last year 99 Tibetans have self-immolated in protest, the SFT said.
“Our celebration marks a paradox in that it is both an occasion of celebration and mourning the lives of Tibetans who have burnt themselves to fight for that very freedom,” said Unn Choedup, deputy director of SFT.
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