Union Public Service Commission (UPSC)
– PC : MRP Graphics
The Union Public Service Commission (UPSC) has released the Civil Services Examination (UPSC CSE) 2023 admit card for mains exams. Candidates who cleared the UPSC CSE preliminary exam can download their admit card from the official website upsc.gov.in.
Candidates need to enter their roll number or registration id and Date of Birth to download the admit card. Also they must carry a valid id proof along with the admit card to the examination centre. The commission will conduct the mains exam on 15 September 2023.
UPSC mains exam will consist of nine papers which will be of subjective type. Three hours for each paper will be given to candidates to complete the exam. Among the nine papers, there is option to choose optional subject for two papers. The language papers A and B are of 300 marks each. The GS and optional papers are of 250 marks each and the maximum marks for UPSC Mains exam is 1750.
How to download the admit card
1. Visit the official website upsc.gov.in.
2. Click on the link ‘Civil Services (Main) Examination, 2023 admit card’.
3. Click on the tab ‘Click here’ for the mains admit card.
4. Enter your registration number/roll nymber and date of birth.
5. Take a printout of the admit card and download it for further need.
#UPSC #Releases #Admit #card #Mains #Exam #Check