10th & 12th Pass Sarkari Naukri 2021 | दसवीं/ बारहवीं सरकारी भर्ती
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10th & 12th Pass Sarkari Naukri यहां देख सकते हैं, 10th Pass उम्मीदवारों और 12th Pass उम्मीदवारों के लिए सभी नवीनतम सरकारी नौकरी यहां लिस्टेड हैं, किसी भी सरकारी नौकरी के लिए आवेदन करने से पहले सभी जानकारियां ध्यान से पढ़ लें उसके बाद ही आवेदन करें।
10th Pass Naukri
Candidates who have passed their 10th class through recognized board exams can search for 10th pass job, There are lots of High school students searching for govt jobs after schooling due to various reasons in all over India. In this page all the govt jobs published for 10th pass student have been listed, Please check all the details about the job before applying for any sarkariexam.
12th Pass Naukri
Candidates who have passed their 12th class through a recognized board exam can apply for the jobs which have been published for 12th pass students. In India various people cannot afford higher education so they decide to work after their higher secondary exams, They want to work with government institution after passing 12th class, Here in this page we have listed all the government jobs published for 12th pass job seekers. Please find them and apply for desired jobs.
10th Pass Job & 12th Pass Job FAQs
How to know about Latest 10th/12th Pass Naukri?
There are various job website in the internet through which you can easily get information about latest sarkari naukri information in Hindi language for 10th and 12th pass student. Employment-news.net is also a very good job portal in Hindi for these kind of job vacancies, You can check current job vacancies for 10th/12th pass student here.
How to apply for 10th/12th Job Vacancies?
Application process for the 10th Pass Job/12th pass job is same as another jobs, There will be an apply link at the bottom of each govt jobs news published by us, You will have to go through the online application link and fill the form with important information along with your photo and signature. You may be asked to pay online fees for the application.
Can I apply for all jobs after schooling?
No you cannot apply for all jobs after schooling because there may be different qualification required for different jobs, So you can apply only for those job vacancies you are eligible for. We repeatedly saying that you must read official notification before applying for any 10th Pass Job or 12th Pass jobs vacancy. Official notification will make you clear to choose whether you can apply with 10th/12th certificate or you need to be graduate for application.
What is The Salary in For These Naukri?
There is no fixed pay scale for any degree based jobs, Because different institutions have different pay scale for different kind of Sarkari Naukri, Some has large pay scale even for 12th pass job post than others institution which may pay small pay scale for Graduation level job vacancies.
Note:- Now you can apply for govt jobs after 12th Get Latest updates for 10th pass and 12th pass govt job, here is the list of 12th pass naukri in Hindi. For all sarkari naukri & exams please visit this site regularly for fresh govt jobs for 12th pass students.
10th pass job & 12th pass job – 10वीं/12वीं सरकारी भर्तियां
List of 10th Pass Jobs & 12th Pass Jobs 2019
नमस्कार दोस्तों Employment News 10th/12th पेज में आपका स्वागत है इस पेज पर आप दासवीं एवं बारहवीं पास छात्रों के लिए प्रकाशित हुई लेटेस्ट सरकारी भर्तियों की जानकारी प्राप्त कर सकते हैं नीचे 10th/12th Pass Jobs की लिस्ट दी हुई है कृपया अप्लाई करने से पहले पूर्ण जानकारी देखें।
- झारखंड पोस्टल सर्कल Jharkhand Postal Circle (05/07/2019)
- दयालबाग शैक्षिक संस्थान – DEI Recruitment (08/07/2019)
- सूरत नगर निगम SMC Recruitment (21/06/2019)
- राष्ट्रीय खनिज विकास निगम लिमिटेड NMDC Recruitment (25/06/2019)
- राष्ट्रीय इलेक्ट्रॉनिक्स एवं सूचना प्रौद्योगिकी संस्थान NIELIT (01/07/2019)
- NHM Haryana Recruitment राष्ट्रीय स्वास्थ्य मिशन हरयाणा (28/06/2019)
- सीमा सड़क संगठन – BRO Recruitment
- ब्रॉडकास्ट इंजीनियरिंग कंसल्टेंट्स इंडिया लिमिटेड BECIL (30/06/2019)
- डॉ. राजेंद्र प्रसाद केंद्रीय कृषि विश्वविद्यालय RPCAU (29/06/2019)
- मैंगनीज़ ओर इंडिया लिमिटेड MOIL Recruitment (15/06/2019)
- राष्ट्रीय केमिकल्स एंड फर्टिलाइजर्स RCF Recruitment (13/06/2019)
- कलेक्टर कार्यालय Collector Office Recruitment (08/06/2019)
- एकीकृत बाल विकास योजना ICDS Recruitment (10/06/2019)
- ब्रॉडकास्ट इंजीनियरिंग कंसल्टेंट्स इंडिया लिमिटेड BECIL (30/05/2019)
- उत्तर रेलवे Northern Railway Recruitment 2019 (26/06/2019)
- रक्षा अनुसंधान एवं विकास संगठन DRDO Recruitment 2019 (26/06/2019)
- पूर्वोत्तर सीमा रेल NFR Recruitment 2019 (15/06/2019)
- नेशनल इंस्टिट्यूट फॉर रिसर्च इन ट्यूबरक्लोसिस NIRT Recruitment (31/05/2019)
- हरियाणा केन्द्रीय विश्वविद्यालय CUH Recruitment 2019 (08/06/2019)
- एम्स पटना भर्ती AIIMS Patna Recruitment 2019 (27/05/2019)
- जिला एवं सत्र न्यायालय District & Sessions Court Jobs (01/06/2019)
- उच्च न्यायालय High Court Jobs Recruitment (03/06/2019)
- डायरेक्टरेट ऑफ स्कूल एजुकेशन मिजोरम DSE Mizoram Jobs (03/06/2019)
- भारतीय सेना भर्ती Indian Army Bharti & Rally Bharti (06/06/2019)
- कर्मचारी चयन आयोग SSC Jobs Recruitment (29/05/2019)
- भारत-तिब्बत सीमा पुलिस बल ITBP Jobs Recruitment (21/06/2019)
- BSF Recruitment For 1072 Head Constable (12/06/2019)
- वन विभाग Forest Department Jobs Recruitment (May Last Week)
अन्य सरकारी नौकरी एवं सरकारी रिजल्ट यहाँ देखें
10th Pass Job
Candidates who have passed their 10th class through recognized board exams can search for 10th pass govt jobs, There are lots of High school students searching for govt jobs after schooling due to various reasons in all over India. In this page all the govt jobs published for 10th pass student have been listed, Please check all the details about the job before applying for any sarkariexam.
12th Pass Job
Candidates who have passed their 12th class through a recognized board exam can apply for the jobs which have been published for 12th pass students. In India various people cannot afford higher education so they decide to work after their higher secondary exams, They want to work with government institution after passing 12th class, Here in this page we have listed all the government jobs published for 12th pass job seekers. Please find them and apply for desired jobs.
How to know about Latest 10th/12th Job
There are various job website in the internet through which you can easily get information about latest sarkari naukri information for 10th and 12th pass student. Employment-news.net is also a very good job portal in Hindi for these kind of job vacancies, You can check current job vacancies for 10th/12th pass student here.
How to apply for 10th/12th Jobs Vacancies
Application process for the 10th/12th pass jobs is same as another jobs, There will be an apply link at the bottom of each govt jobs news published by us, You will have to go through the online application link and fill the form with important information along with your photo and signature. You may be asked to pay online fees for the application.
Can I apply for all jobs after schooling
No you cannot apply for all jobs after schooling because there may be different qualification required for different jobs, So you can apply only for those job vacancies you are eligible for. We repeatedly saying that you must read official notification before applying for any job vacancy. Official notification will make you clear to choose whether you can apply with 10th/12th certificate or you need to be graduate for application.
Salary & Pay Scale in 10th/12th Pass Jobs
There is no fixed pay scale for any degree based jobs, Because different institutions have different pay scale for different kind of job vacancies, Some has large pay scale even for 12th pass job post than others institution which may pay small pay scale for graduate level job vacancies.
Note:- Now you can apply for govt jobs after 12th Get Latest updates for 10th pass and 12th pass govt job, here is the list of 12th pass government jobs for all sarkari exams please visit this site regularly for fresh govt jobs for 12th pass students.