BSEB Bihar Board
– PC : My Result Plus
The Bihar School Examination Board (BSEB) has released the exam form for the Matriculation annual exams 2024. Eligible students can fill the form by visiting the official website. The last date to fill up the form is 17 September.
Students have to go to school with their documents, school principal will distribute the form. There will be two sections (A and B) for the registration. Section A consists students’ information that will based on their registration. Students are requested not to tamper with it. Students only to fill section B.
Main registration card will be upload on the website. School can download the form and card for their students. For any query students can use the helpline number 0612-2232074.
How to apply
1. Visit the official website
2. Click on the “Exam Form” or “Matriculation Exam 2024 Application” link.
3. Register yourself by providing your details.
4. Complete the application form.
5. Upload the documents and pay the fee.
6. Review your application form and take a hard copy for further need.
#BSEB #Bihar #Board #Releases #Application #Form #Matriculation #annual #exams #Check