Eat high ore food to avoid corona in winter and follow expert advice-here is expert advice
Table of Contents
- Vitamin C, Zinc, Protein, Selenium, Antioxidants are all included in the diet to boost immunity.
- To make the lungs strong, it is necessary to eat food with high ore value
Corona cases are on the rise again in the country and in Gujarat. In Gujarat, the cases of Corona have reached record highs. The cold from above is also increasing, along with the fear that the corona will get worse in winter. In this regard, Divya Bhaskar, Dr. Intensivist and Critical Case Specialist of Star Hospital, Ahmedabad. Puneet Rawal as well as nutritionist Rita Bhardwaj talked to him and tried to find out why such a situation arose and what should be done for protection and vigilance in this situation.

Why did Corona’s case suddenly increase?
Dr. “The current peak is directly related to Diwali,” Rawal said. The time for people to meet each other on Diwali had also increased. People came in contact with each other and Corona’s case escalated. Respiratory diseases occur in winter, but there is no reason for this at present. No one grows for a single reason. Pollution, winter, meeting, lack of social distance, shopping, all these reasons come together only when such a peak comes. Therefore, it cannot be said that the cases of Corona have increased due to any one reason.
What to do if you come in contact with a corona positive person?

‘Suppose I had a fever earlier because of the corona, it would have spread seven days earlier. So if you know that this person has corona after fever, then you should keep a social distance from that person. In addition, if you come in contact with a person infected with corona, first check whether you have a fever or not, whether there is a pain in the body. Cold-cough or not. If any of these three symptoms appear, get tested for corona immediately after consulting a doctor. Dr. “Corona needs to be tested for the common flu,” Puneet said. Often the RT-PCR test is positive even if it is the corona, but the test is never positive if it is not corona. Often being an asymptomatic carrier the report comes out positive.
Symptoms of corona::

Corona, cough and fever occur in the first week of corona. In addition the corona spreads the infection in many different ways. Such as paralysis, seizures, abdominal pain, diarrhea, often allergic skin reactions. All of these are also symptoms of corona.
Some people have diarrhea and vomiting, some have body aches, many have skin rashes, blood clots and paralysis. There are many patients with paralysis who test positive for corona. Corona can be present with any such symptom. However, its number is very low.
There is a difference between corona and corona damage

Corona is most likely to occur in people who meet a lot of people. So people between the ages of 25 and 45 meet an average of 15 to 20 people. That is why they are more likely to get a corona infection. As well as children are more likely to have corona. Because, they are always playing in the crowd and those people do not have much symptoms. So there is a higher risk of other people being coronated by those people. In addition, corona is dangerous for people between the ages of 50 and 60. Even if they do not go out much, they are more likely to get corona from exposure to an outsider, as their immune system is not as strong as that of young people and children. So sanitize clothes when you come out before meeting any elders in the house, or meet the elderly only after taking a bath.
When is oxygen needed?
He further said that the need for oxygen from the corona is high in people who have not been properly cared for after the corona occurs and immunity has been reduced. They need oxygen in the second week. Corona affects the lungs in the second week after infection in the first week. If you miss even a little bit of attention in essence-care, corona will happen. However, in people under the age of 40, the symptoms last for up to 1 week. Then will not remain. People over the age of 50 are more likely to have corona, as well as more likely to be damaged by corona.
Special attention should be paid to hygiene
Rita Bhardwaj, a nutritionist from Ahmedabad, said that the first step in preventing coronavirus is to take care of personal hygiene and increase immunity, which means controlling both external and internal factors. External factors are to protect oneself from infection. For that wear a mask, keep hands clean with sanitizer. As well as being careful not to infect anyone we have external factors.
External factors
There are many things to eat, such as lentils, beans, flour, rice, etc. Ideally keep all these things out of the house for 2 to 3 days. If there is no space outside, decide a corner inside the house and name it Quarantine Corner. So that whatever items we bring in from outside are kept in the quarantine corner. Keep items in it for 72 hours and spray disinfectant or sanitizer on it before touching it.
Similarly, if you bring any milk product, take it directly to the kitchen and wash the packet with soap or water. Wash hands well too. Similarly, if you bring yoghurt, cheese, etc., which spoil quickly, wash them thoroughly with hot water or soap.
Caring for fruits and vegetables
1. Potassium permanganate
Potassium permanganate can be used to disinfect food. It eliminates up to 90 percent of germs by cleaning vegetables and fruits. Potassium permanganate also comes in powder form. Although it is a type of poison, using it properly and in the right proportions makes vegetables and fruits up to 99 percent germ free. Remember, use only 0.1 percent of it. Put just a pinch of powder in a bucket of water and keep the vegetables and fruits soaking in it for 15 minutes. Then remove it and wash it with clean water.
2. Baking soda
Soak vegetables and fruits in hot water and add baking soda. Keep in water for 10 to 15 minutes. Removing vegetables and fruits from it then does not kill all the germs, but to some extent destroys the bacteria in the vegetables.
3. Vinegar and salt
Put a teaspoon of vinegar and a teaspoon of salt in hot water. Soak the vegetables in it for 15 to 20 minutes. Then wash it off with clean water and use it. Take special care to keep vegetables and fruits dry and do not use them for 24 hours.
Internal factors
Everyone’s immunity is different. We have some fighter cells in our body to boost immunity. Fighter cells are cells that fight disease. Which are called T cells.
Why increase immunity?
Vitamin C, Zinc, Protein, Selenium, Antioxidants. If all these elements are included in the diet, then the body’s immunity will increase. Nowadays, whether it is a vitamin or a protein, everything has to be quadrupled. This means that eating one orange a day for vitamin-c will not work. One should eat a glass of orange juice or two oranges and one kiwi throughout the day.
Eat roasted chickpeas for zinc. Eat shing chana with its husk. Its husk also contains nutrients. Also eat more beans. Cheese can be used to increase protein. If you eat eggs, you can eat a boiled egg. If you are a vegetarian, you also get good nutrients from vegetarian foods.
Make the lungs strong
To make the lungs strong, it is necessary to eat food with high orec (ORAC = oxygen radical absorption capacity) value. To keep two spice cans at home until the corona is gone for high orek value, keep turmeric, chilli salt in one and high orec value spice in the other spice can and use all the spices in each vegetable. Cinnamon, cloves, bay leaf, black pepper, a few basil leaves are dried and powdered and kept in a spice box. Apart from that, there are many other spices like black cardamom, ajmo, anise, as well as black and white sesame are also high orek value masala That is, add one teaspoon of this spice in any vegetable or lentil you make.
That’s all there is to it. Except to steam twice a day until the corona is gone. As well as pranayama is the most important for strengthening the lungs. Namely, Anulom Vilom, Bhadrika, Deep Breathing. Deep breathing every day never lowers the oxygen level. Even if Corona happens! All of these things are coronary prevention and healing.
Nutritionist Rita Bhardwaj further said that one should drink 10 to 12 glasses of water during the day. Also, whenever you drink milk, add black pepper powder and turmeric. This will not only increase immunity but also protect against corona.
Eat high ore food to avoid corona in winter and follow expert advice-here is expert advice