HPU confers D Litt Degree upon the Dalai Lama

Tibetan spiritual leader and Nobel Laureate the Dalai Lama was on Thursday conferred with the degree of Doctor of Letters (D Litt) by Himachal Pradesh University here Governor Urmilla Singh, who is also the Chancellor of the University, conferred the D Litt Degree on the Tibetan leader at the 21st convocation of the HPU.

The Dalai Lama and the Governor awarded 123 gold medals and certificates, 194 doctorate degrees to meritorious students in the convocation ceremony.

HPU also conferred Honorary D Litt degree upon Prof SR Mehrotra for his contribution the field of social sciences, Dr RK Pauchari for Inter-Governmental Panel for Climate Change (IPCC) while Dr Priyadarshani R Kalara was conferred Honorary Ph D Degree in Medical Sciences.

The Dalai Lama, while addressing the ceremony, said that there was a need for traditional education system to transform the society in to a “realistic society” which in return gives new heights to the philosophy of the Gurus.

“India is a very rich country full of educational wisdom and knowledge and there was an urgent need of harnessing that, especially by the youths of the country for educational prosperity,” he said, adding that India has a flourished democratic setup which has paved the way for peace, progress and stability throughout the world.

He called upon the youth to work for the humanity with a stable mind, wisdom and the force given to them by the God.

Dalai Lama said that the three big civilizations, Indus Valley, Indian and Chinese civilizations in the world have given new vistas to humanity and incidentally all of them lies in the Asian continent.

He said that the ancient Indian language Sanskrit has contributed a lot to the educational platform in the society.

“Sanskrit language has given many philosophers and educationists to the society and our youth need to read and study them,” he said, adding there was an immediate need to study Sanskrit and understand the in-depth values ​​enshrined in the language texts.

Presiding over the Convocation, the Governor emphasized upon developing an ideal atmosphere in educational institutions which could provide equal opportunities of growth and development to every student.

She said that youth were the backbone of the society and they should come forward and contribute towards the progress of the nation, she added Prof. ADN Vajpayee Vice Chancellor of the University proposed vote of thanks.

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