ICAR Umiam Recruitment 2022: Young Professional-II Vacancy
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ICAR Umiam Recruitment 2022: ICAR RC for NEH Region, Umiam, Meghalaya invites eligible candidates to attend the walk-in-interview (online through video conferencing) for the posts of Young Professional-II. The last date for submission of the application is 31.01.2022.
Post Name:- Young Professional-II
- No of posts:- 1 (One)
- Age limit:- 45 years with relaxation for SC/ST/OBC as per Govt. of India or ICAR Norms.
- Salary:- Rs. 35,000/- per month.
- Educational Qualification:- Post-Graduation in Social Sciences (Agril. Statistics/ Statistics/ Agril. Economics/ Economics/ Agril. Extension/ Extension).
- Desirable qualification:- Doctoral degree In the concerned discipline with strong knowledge of analytical and writing skills.
How to apply for ICAR Umiam Recruitment 2022: Young Professional-II Vacancy
Owing to the prevailing COVID-19 restrictions, interviews will be conducted online mode. The eligible candidates are requested to send their application in the enclosed format along with a scanned copy of the original documents to [email protected] latest by 31st January 2022.
After screening the applications, the eligible candidates will be informed regarding the details of the interview by email or over the phone. Original documents of the candidates appearing online interview will be verified at a later stage.
Advertisement No:- RC/DTAC/Req/2021 (Date:19.01.2022)
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official notification |
ICAR Umiam Recruitment 2022: Staff Nurse Vacancy [Walk-in]
ICAR Umiam Recruitment 2022: The ICAR Research Complex for NEH Region, Umiam invites eligible candidates to attend the walk-in-interview to be held on 6th January 2022 for the posts of Young Professional (Staff Nurse).
Post Name:- Young Professional (Staff Nurse)
- No of posts:- 1 (One)
- Place of posting:- ICAR Medical Health Centre, Umiam.The Selected candidate has to stay at ICAR Colony, Umiam mandatorily.
- Age limit:- 21 to 45 years with relaxation for SC/ST/OBC as per Govt. of Indian/ICAR norms.
- Salary:- Rs. 25,000/- Per month
- Educational Qualification:-
# General Nursing & Midwifery (GNM) 3 years & 6 Months diploma Course/(B.Sc Nursing) 4 years degree from an institution recognized by the Indian Nursing Council.
# Candidates having works experience will be preferable.
How to apply for ICAR Umiam Recruitment 2022 @Staff Nurse Vacancy
Eligible candidates should bring an application with full Bio-Data addressed to the Director, ICAR Research Complex for NEH Region, Umiam, Meghalaya, along with duly attested photocopies of certificates and mark sheets from HSLC onwards and a recent passport size photograph affixed on the top of the application & Experience certificates in original, if any.
Walk-in-interview venue:- ICAR Research Complex for NEH Region, Umiam
Date & Time:- 6th January 2022 at 11:00 AM
Advertisement No:- ICAR NEH/Hqr RC(R)17/2021 (Date: 24.12.2021)
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official notification |
ICAR Umiam Recruitment 2021: SRF & YP Vacancy [Online Interview]
ICAR Umiam Recruitment 2021: ICAR Research Complex for NEH Region, Umiam invites to attend the interview (online through video conference) for the position of one Senior Research Fellow (SRF) and one Young Professional-I (YP-I) under the project “Network Project on Organic Farming” (NPOF). The last date for submission of the application is 02.07.2021.
1. Post Name:- Senior Research Fellow (SRF)
- No of posts:- 1 (One)
- Salary:- Rs. 31,000/- per month + HRA
- Educational Qualification:- M.Sc. (Agriculture).
- Desired Qualification:- Specialization in Agronomy/ Soil Science/ Having basic knowledge in computer and statistics.
2. Post Name:- Young Professional-I
- No of posts:- 1 (One)
- Salary:- Rs. 25,000/- per month + HRA
- Educational Qualification:- B.Sc. (Agriculture) or Diploma (Agriculture).
- Desired Qualification:- Having basic knowledge in computer Microsoft Word, Excel, etc.
Age limit
Age should be between 21-45 years as on publication of the advertisement, with relaxation by 5 years for SC/ST and 3 years for OBC candidates.
How to apply for ICAR Umiam Recruitment 2021 @SRF & Young Professional Vacancy
Due to pandemic Covid-19, candidates are requested to send their application in the enclosed proforma along with a scanned copy of the original documents to the concerned email id [email protected] on or before 02.07.2021.
After screening the applications, eligible candidates will be informed to interview by email Or phone regarding the date, time, and link of the interview. (tentatively by 2nd week of July 2021).
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Notification |
Advertisement No:- RC/DSRE/1/NPOF/Rect./2021 (Date: 21.06.2021)
ICAR Umiam Recruitment 2021-Technical Assistant & Field Assistant Jobs
ICAR Umiam Recruitment 2021:- ATIC, ICAR Research Complex for NEH Region, Umiam is going to held a walk-in-interview for the posts of Technical Assistant and Field Assistant/Skilled manpower on 5th February 2021.
1. Post Name:- Technical Assistant (TA)
- No of posts:- 1 (One)
- Place of posting:- Division of Horticulture, ICAR RC NEHR, Umiam.
- Upper age limit:- 35 years.
- Salary:- Rs. 25,000/- per month (fixed).
- Educational Qualification:- Bachelors degree in Science/ Agriculture/ Horticulture.
- Desirable qualification:- Experience in horticulture/ field crops.
2. Post Name:- Field Assistant/Skilled manpower
- No of posts:- 1 (One)
- Place of posting:- Division of Horticulture, ICAR RC NEHR, Umiam.
- Upper age limit:- 35 years.
- Salary:- Rs. 25,000/- per month (fixed).
- Educational Qualification:- Bachelors degree in Science/ Agriculture/ Horticulture.
- Desirable qualification:- Experience in horticulture/ field crops.
How to apply for ICAR Umiam Recruitment 2021 @Technical Assistant & Field Assistant Jobs
The candidate should also bring an application with full bio-data addressed to the Director, ICAR Research Complex for NEH Region, Umiam-793103, Meghalaya enclosing photocopies of certificates and mark sheets from HSLC onwards duly attested. A recent passport size photograph should also be affixed on the top of the application.
Walk-in-interview venue:- ATIC, ICAR Research Complex for NEH Region, Umiam-793103, Meghalaya
Date & Time:- 5th February 2021 at 10:30 am
Advertisement No:- F.No.RC/Hort-7/2017-18/1046 (Date: 21.01.2021)
For more details, please check the below link
ICAR Umiam Recruitment 2021 @Technical Assistant & Field Assistant Jobs official notification