Exam Application
– PC : My Result Plus
The online application process for Tradesman Mate vacancies under the headquarters, Andaman and Nicobar Command, Indian Navy will end today. Interested candidates can apply on the oficial website www.indiannavy.nic.in or karmic.andaman.gov.in/HQANC.
The recruitment drive aims to fill more than 350 vacancies. Applicants must be between the age of 18 to 25 years. Candidates must have qualified class 10 from a recognised institutes. There is 151 vacant seats for general catecory cadidates, 97 posts for OBC, 35 seats for EWS and 26-26 for Sc and ST respetively. The recruitment consists written test, document verification, medical test and merit list.
How to apply
1. Visit the official website www.indiannavy.nic.in or karmic.andaman.gov.in/HQANC.
2. Click on the application link.
3. Fill up the application and upload your documents.
4. Download the form.
5. Take a hardcopy for further need.
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