# Learn The Shocking Secrets About Mobiles..!!!

Learn The Shocking Secrets About Mobiles..!!!

Mobile has become a special and precious part of our lives for a few years. Because nowadays, if someone is closest to a man, then that is mobile.

In today’s world, smart phones have become part of our lives. But if anyone is asked to tell the benefits of smart phone then people will tell a lot of its benefits. But if you are asked to tell a smart phone, almost few people know it.

The first loss is the radiation emanating from the smart phone. Many researchers have found that radiation emitted from mobile phones is very bad for health. This greatly increases the risk of cancer and heart attack. The problem of not sleeping increases if the smartphone is used until late. This has a very bad effect on our minds. Because of this, remembering the necessary things in our mind is an endless and some unnecessary things are remembered. Which enables our nervous system. Because of which we are often upset. That’s why never use a smart phone until late at night.

Nowadays children have stopped paying attention to the book and practice. The only reason for which is mobile phones. This is why people are beginning to feel very weak.

Children should report smart phones after 18 years. If there is a smart phone in her child’s hands, then there is a twist in her. And one particular reason is that if a smart phone is given to children before the time, the eyesight will diminish.

If we use a smart phone at night, our thinking power has a great effect. Because we also do normal work on a smart phone. Because of which our brain can not remember

Learn The Shocking Secrets About Mobiles..!!!

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