The examination will be held from March 24, 2014 which will end on April 12, 2014. According to Board Official “The candidates will have to enter into their examination hall at 09:30 AM. The students will be given 15 minutes time from 09 : 45 AM to 10: 00 AM to read the question paper.
The first paper of Uttarakhand Board, class XII is Hindi/Agriculture Hindi and the last paper is Psychology.
The statement also says that “Students in the examination hall will not be given any suggestion regarding question paper”.
Read More:
Uttarakhand Board Class XII results likely on May 28
The Uttarakhand Board of School Education functions under the wings of Directorate of School Education, and is entrusted to conduct school examinations in the state including 10th and 12th annual exams, the two main phases in a student life. The Board has given enough gap between each paper so that the students will be able to prepare themselves for examination with ease. wishes all the students best of luck for your examination.
More Results:
Uttarakhand Board Class X result will be announced on May 26
The candidates are also advised to visit this website on regular basis for further updates and results. To check your Uttarakhand Board of School Education class XII result CLICK HERE.
To download Uttarakhand Board Date Sheet CLICK HERE.
To get UP Board class 10th date sheet CLICK HERE.
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